Tuesday, November 14, 2006

...and just like that ....I saw Forrest Gump

There is no way I am going to comment, criticize or judge this movie. So let's move on. Rather, how about me sharing with you my unique perception/imagery about Forrest Gump.

I realized, after surfing the net to know more about the movie, it was released way back in 1994.So I deeply regret staying away from this movie for "no particular reason”. Or may be I and Gump have already some traits common just like the way he kept running for "no particular reason”. Now knowing this makes me happy rather than regret.

It was some years back ( no, not in 1994 ) , may be couple of years back I heard about Forrest Gump and registered in my mind that its one of those brilliant English movies. But it didn't excite me and make me run and get hold of a copy and watch it. I have grown up watching Bollywood movies and English movies were encountered by mere accident (when majority of friends wanted to and watch English movie). I had this sea of appreciation for the way Hollywood movies were directed and executed; their creativity and novel ideas excited me every time I got to know about their singular plots. Yet, it failed to generate enough interest to hook me to English movies.

Firstly, though the movies are brilliant in their own respect, I felt English movies are too short. The Credits are flashed on screen in less than 90 minutes. How can they do this? Karan Johar takes more than that time to get Amitabh Bacchan make his entry in his mega 4 hour film. Even if we discount the time factor, this Americans (at least for me) should get back to school and take lessons in "phonetics". This reason would top the list for me being not being a follower of Hollywood but a Fanatic of "Mithun Da" and "Rajnikanth". Now that I am discussing "phonetics” I must also include how great a Fan I am of "Dharam paapajee". Of the available 90 minutes, 30% of the movie has loud background music (most of the time WAR and the likes) where you (at least me) end up wondering, what the hell these whites are murmuring? Well you cant blame me for this since I have seen movies with dialogues from Dharam papajee like “Basanti , in kutto ke saamne mat naachna” which are loud enough to get registered subconsciously in the head of a sleeping person in the theatre.

But then English Movies are supposed to be very realistic. Now for some reason Director sympathizes with me and the war scene gets over. But the English actors refuse to co operate with me and for the remaining dialogues in the movie they whisper in each others ear. I feel all the Hollywood actors have set of dentures which they fear would fall off the moment they open their mouth to speak loud and clear.

Also, I wondered about the name of the movie which is the root for all that I typed above and made you read till here – FORREST GUMP. I would like to make one more confession about the name of this movie. Till I actually watched this movie I thought all my friends who recommended me this movie on chat or otherwise always made a “typo” by typing an extra ‘r’ in ‘Forrest’. But this time again, not my fault. I have gone to school where I was taught about Forest as Forest and that too with single ‘r’ and which meant ‘Jungle’. So I had these vague pictures of ‘Forest Gump’ (mind you for me it was forest) as in a movie which would or may revolve in the backdrop of Forest i.e. our Jungle. It’s ok. Happens!!! Another aspect to this Forest was, What would have happen in the forest that made this movie so popular or rather Can something exciting really happen in forest ? I couldn’t think of any plot in the forest which would make any movie popular. (Unfortunately I could think of only one movie – Jungle .Yes, the Urmila Fardeen RGV directed).I am sure after the link of ‘Forest Gump’ to Urmila – Fardeen ‘Jungle’ you would like me to take a new direction and dump ‘Jungle’ in that very ‘Jungle’.

This movie had just 2 words – ‘Forest’ and ‘Gump’ and they had already started taxing my brain coupled with stretching my imagination as well. Even before I could understand why ‘Forest’? I suddenly realized that there is another word in this movie ‘Gump’ and unfortunately I have no clue about it. And worst part, I didn’t recollect learning it in school as well. So this time I was little disappointed not to know whether my friends made “typo” in ‘Gump’ as well. So as the last resort , I optimistically hit the Oxford dictionary with a feeling of establishing some link and unraveling the mystery of ‘Forest Gump’ thinking I know what Forest is and once I know what Gump means , it wouldn’t be long till I figure out what the movie is all about. But then the Oxford publication for some reason made their only mistake and since then I kept playing Hide and seek with ‘Forest Gump’ mystery.

Sometime back when I was on a trip with my MBA friends, we were on the beach at 2-30 am enjoying the moonlight, 2 of my friends started discussing this movie – Forest Gump. Now it reinforced my feeling that it was a truly inspirational movie. Firstly, because we all were deeply engrossed in our emotional and philosophical stories. Secondly, they were mentioning something about a guy and how he kept running and running. At his point, my imaginations came forward and start working overtime. As I mentioned earlier, I already had some idea about it being a forest movie. Now with this new input my movie was getting some more soul. It was becoming larger than life. Now I had someone running in my movie. But this was little different. Someone was running in the Forest, now how can some one just keep running in forest?. I would not mind that and still accept it but then tell me, how can someone run in the forest and become inspirational for so many?? My Imagination couldn’t take it any further, so I had no choice but to change the topic. And fortunately I succeeded.

For couple of years I had my version of ‘Forest Gump’ – a movie in the background of forest and someone running and running. I am not sure if it would have been injustice to the movie to carry off such images. I would rather term it as sheer ignorance on my part and missing out the ‘whole point altogether’ for the very existence of the movie. ‘The whole point altogether which you and me have imbibed after watching the film knowingly or unknowingly in our very own little day to day acts’.

I still believe I would have been a very happy man to remain in my version of ‘Forest Gump’ and taking pride to find the ‘typo’ my friends kept repeating. But then it had to change some day, not as a compulsory act but just to make me realize what a magnificent lesson I missed for 12 years which I just tried to learn by looking at the title of the book and not bother to go deeper.

“Indeed Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sahi hai mere sher...nice blog..lekin end tak i coudnt get the point of the blog, was it about you watching Forrest Gump after 12 years or not watching it for 12 years..

anyway waiting for similar 'gyan' on the other two movies

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good start boche..a bit long though..seems that u have been over inspired by the movie..do watch life is beautiful and give ur comments..cheers Babya

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good start...lekin hanky bhaiya ki acting ke bare main kuch likh....kuch movie ke uppar comment mar....write something about jenny :)

1:32 PM  

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